PROJECT SEA M.O.O.P - As you know this event helps fund and raise awareness for Humans for Oceans. Knowing that clean waters are important to all of us, we came up with a way that all Challengers can help keep our oceans clean and pristine while out training for the event. It's called Project SEA M.O.O.P (Matter Out of Place) - if you see it in the sea (nice pun eh?) and it shouldn't be there (out of place), pick it up - throw it under your bungee or stuff in your life jacket - bring it to shore and dispose of properly. Last week I grabbed a couple bottles and a wrapper. John del Rosario and Mike Brown hauled in a bit more... including a size 13 high-top shoe!
SO... the next time you are out training have your "M.O.O.P goggles" on! Take a shot of your loot and tag us at:
Twitter: @humansforoceans
Instagram: humansforoceans